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Last updated: 18 March 2018
Press Release

Specialised International Diplomatic Course for Foreign Diplomats at Bangladesh Foreign Service Academy

The Foreign Service Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs has arranged a Specialised International Diplomatic Course for junior and mid-level diplomats of the 10 Asian Countries from 18-29 March, 2018 at its Sugandha premises. The participating countries are Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam. Issues involved in the conduct of foreign policy and diplomacy in the changing global context, multilateral trade and geo-politics, climate change, development agenda, blue economy etc. will be taught and discussed during this 2-week long course. Sessions will also be conducted on Bangladesh's history, creed & culture and recent economic success of the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina; the daughter of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Father of the Nation. The participating diplomatic corps will also visit some important historic places including the Panam City, Sonargaon and the Liberation War Museum, Agargaon. The speakers of the course include eminent academicians, experts, retired Ambassadors and senior officials of the Government.

The purpose of convening this kind of course is to strengthen the existing diplomatic ties between Bangladesh and her friendly countries and to create a platform for enhanced interaction among diplomats of these countries in its foreign policy pursuit of world peace and prosperity, guided by Bangabandhu's famous dictum 'Friendship to all, malice to none'.
