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Last updated: 3rd June 2018
Press Release

Press Release on the Credentials presentation by ILO Country Director and IOM Chief of Mission

Dhaka, 03 June 2018:

Country Director of International Labour Organization (ILO) Tuomo Poutiainen and Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Bangladesh Giorgi Gigaurihas have presented their credentials to Foreign Minister. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 03 June 2018. In accepting the credentials of the Country Director of ILO and the Chief of Mission of IOM, Foreign Minister welcomed them to Bangladesh and wished them success in their responsibilities. The Minister assured them of all out support from the government.

While accepting the Credential of ILO Country Director, Foreign Minister briefed him about the actions taken by the government under the leadership of Prime Minister to ensure the interest of the workers and expressed the commitment of the government to ensure labour rights and promoting decent work. The Minister highlighted the substantive legal and institutional reforms carried out by the government to promote labour rights and workplace safety.

During the meeting with IOM Chief of Mission, Foreign conveyed his appreciation for the contribution of IOM in the field of migration and human mobility. He also appreciated the immense role played by IOM in extending humanitarian assistances to the displaced Rohingyas in Cox’s Bazar. The Minister apprised the IOM Chief of Mission of the present situation of Cox’s Bazar and informed that the basic local healthcare facilities have already taken over by Rohingyas. He thanked IOM for providing healthcare and other basic services to Rohingyas.

Foreign Minister apprised the ILO Country Director and the IOM Chief of Mission of the massive socio-economic development of Bangladesh under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. They highly appreciated the exemplary progress made by Bangladesh in the recent years.

The new ILO Country Director is a national of Finland. He had a long distinguished career of 18 years with ILO and served in the Philippines, Switzerland, Cambodia, Thailand and Bangladesh in various capacities. He also served in Bangladesh during 2014-2017 and led ILO’s Improving Working Conditions in RMG Sector Programme in Bangladesh.

Giorgi Gigaurihas, a Georgian national, previously served as the IOM Deputy Chief of Mission in Indonesia overseeing programmes on humanitarian emergencies, migrant protection, governance and development. He also served as the IOM Chief of Mission in Papua New Guinea.
