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Last updated: 24th December 2018
Press Release

Polish delegation pays call on the Secretary (Bilateral & Consular)

Dhaka, 18 November 2018:


A delegation from the Polish Foreign Ministry led by Mr. Pawel Milewski, Director, Asia Pacific Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, called on Ambassador Kamrul Ahsan, Secretary (Bilateral & Consular) at Ministry of Foreign Affairs this morning. During the meeting, a wide range of issues of bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Poland were discussed. The two sides also reviewed the progress of different issues and discussed the future course of actions. The meeting aimed at broadening and strengthening the existing level of bilateral cooperation between Bangladesh and Poland. Recalling the support of Poland in our Liberation War in 1971, the Secretary (Bilateral & Consular) expressed gratitude to the Polish side.


The bilateral discussions involved exchange of views on different political and bilateral issues including strengthening cooperation in trade and economic areas. The sides also laid importance on promotion of people-to-people contacts. Secretary (Bilateral & Consular) Mr. Ahsan mentioned that notwithstanding the excellent relations between the two countries, exchange of high-level visits is not very frequent. He underscored the need of exchange of high-level visits from both sides to further deepen the existing relations between the two countries. Mentioning Bangladesh’s remarkable progress in the last several years in overall socio-economic sectors, Secretary (Bilateral & Consular) Mr. Ahsan urged the Polish delegation to encourage Polish investors and entrepreneurs to invest in Bangladesh in various sectors like shipbuilding, agricultural, food processing, blue economy, energy cooperation and mining, etc. 


Both sides agreed to reinforce and establish cooperation in the sectors like Education, Culture, Agriculture, Energy and Mining, Science & Technology etc. Secretary Mr. Ahsan also requested the Polish delegation to ease the visa issuance procedure for Bangladeshi students, businessmen and visitors. Mentioning the availability of a large pool of skilled and semi-skilled professionals and workers in Bangladesh, he proposed the Polish side to import workers and professionals from Bangladesh to fulfill the labour shortage in Poland.


Mr. Pawel Milewski, Director, Asia Pacific Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland pointed out that both Bangladesh and Poland may realize the huge potentials of bilateral trade and commerce. He categorically mentioned that Bangladesh can be extremely benefitted by importing certain food products, like fish, dairy, meat, egg, poultry etc., from Poland at a competitive price and quality.


The Polish Director also underlined the importance of high level visits from Bangladesh to Poland.  Mr. Milewski particularly mentioned that upcoming visit of Hon’ble President of Bangladesh to Poland in December 2018 will provide opportunity for meeting with his counterpart in Poland when two sides may discuss various matters of mutual interests. He also mentioned that Poland is ready to share knowledge in the areas of green technology and green development with Bangladesh. As proposed by the Bangladesh side, the Polish side assured to explore the possibility of offering scholarship to Bangladeshi students on subjects related to maritime affairs. He also emphasized on enhanced business contacts in the form of exchange of visits of business delegations as well as those between Chambers of Commerce of the two countries.


Apart from bilateral issues, views on international and regional issues were exchanged during the meeting. Secretary Mr. Ahsan thanked the Polish government for their continued support to Bangladesh on the Rohingya issue, and requested to further extend this support as a responsible member of the international community to ensure safe and dignified return of the Rohingyas to their homeland.  Both sides agreed to maintain possible cooperation in different international fora and platforms.
