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Last updated: 16th May 2018
Press Release

Peace and love above all, said the atomic bomb survivors to Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali during his visit to Hiroshima.


Dhaka, Tuesday, 15 May 2018


Peace and love above all, said the atomic bomb survivors to Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali during his visit to Hiroshima. On the second day of his tour to Japan, Minister Ali visited Yano Orizuru En, a nursing home in Hiroshima, that is taking care of 100 survivors of the Holocaust in 1945. The Orizuru En authority greeted Foreign Minister and the delegation with a warm welcome note. The atomic bomb survivors recalled the horrors of the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and appealed to the Foreign Minister to constantly work for peace and harmony across the world. The Foreign Minister assured them that Bangladesh is firmly against nuclear weapons and is working closely with Japan in this regard.


After visiting the nursing home, Foreign Minister went to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park to pay tribute to the victims of the atomic bomb. Foreign Minister also laid floral wreathe at the cenotaph of the park.


Earlier, he also met the Governor of the Hiroshima Prefecture and exchanged views and ideas about strengthening cooperation to promote peace.
