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Last updated: 25th July 2018
Press Release

Outgoing German Ambassador Thomas Prinz made his farewell call on the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam MP at his office in the Ministry this morning.

Dhaka, 25 July 2018:

Outgoing German Ambassador Thomas Prinz made his farewell call on the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam MP at his office in the Ministry this morning.

The State Minister thanked the outgoing Ambassador for his constructive role in developing the bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Germany from where they launched broad-based partnership ranging from trade and investment to the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The Ambassador Prinz praised the bold leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Government for giving shelter to the Rohingya people who escaped atrocities in Myanmar. He also lauded the generous attitude of Bangladeshi people towards the Rohingya people. In reply, State Minister briefed the present situation in Rohingya camps and initiatives taken by Government to cope up the natural calamities during this rainy season. He also thanked the German Government for its continuous support in crisis management and in political process top insure sustainable return of the Rohingya people top their ancestral home in Rakhine state.

State Minister expressed satisfaction at the implementation of the commitment of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina regarding engagement of Veridos gmbh in the e-passport project. He also congratulated at the signing of an MOU between Home Ministry and Veridos gmbh on last 19 July 2018. He also invited more and more German manufacturers to come Bangladesh and go to production. He mentioned that Banglaesh if not the best place, it is a better place to invest. German ambassador informed that Siemens is going to make a huge investment in Payra port for production of LNG based electricity. State Minister hoped that German company would not only produce goods but also enhances knowledge base and transfer technology to Bangladesh.

The State Minister wished him success and good health. And requested him to act as goodwill ambassador of Bangladesh wherever he goes.
