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Last updated: 11 April 2018
Press Release

Bangladesh Embassy in Tashkent organized a business seminar on “Prospects of Business and Economic Cooperation between Bangladesh and Uzbekistan”.


Dhaka,10 April 2018

The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Republic of Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Uzbekistan organized business seminar on “Prospects of Business and Economic Cooperation between Bangladesh and Uzbekistan” on 10th of April, 2018 at the office of Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.

Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh Mr. Mohammed Shahriar Alam MP attended the seminar as Guest of Honour, and delivered speech, stating the will of Bangladesh side to encourage more Uzbek businessman to cooperate with Bangladesh businessman, tourism development and strengthening the cooperation between the two friendly countries. The seminar started with a welcome speech by First Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan Mr. Islam Jasimov. In his welcome speech, he noted the importance of the business cooperation in developing the economy of the two countries. He also appreciated Bangladesh’s tremendous achievements under the present government of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Following the presentation by H. E. Mr. Mosud Mannan ndc, Ambassador of People’s Republic of Bangladesh to Uzbekistan, on the “Prospects of Business and Economic Cooperation between Bangladesh and Uzbekistan” an open discussion was held which included short presentations by the representative from Uzbekturizm committee and Ms. Zulfiya Islamova, External Affairs Director, S. Verein's legal group on legal aspects of doing business in Uzbekistan. At the end of the presentations questions and answers session was held. The Seminar identified Textile, Jute, IT and Tourism as priority areas and both side agreed to work jointly to strengthen the cooperation in these sectors.

With this background, the seminar would help interested business persons and firms of Uzbekistan to learn about the prospects of conducting business with Bangladesh.

As many as 60 representatives from government organizations, businessman, media personalities, journalists of Uzbekistan and Bangladesh community attended the programme and participated in the seminar.

Prior to this seminar, Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs held a meeting with the Speaker of Uzbekistan Parliament H. E. Nurdinjon Ismailov this morning at the parliament building where the formation of Bangladesh-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Friendship Group was discussed among others.

Md. Tohidul Islam
Senior Information Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mob: 01718543625
Email: islamtohidul76@gmail.com
