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Last updated: 19th August 2018
Press Release

Mr. Dr. Bardan Jung RANA, Representative of World Health Organization (WHO) in Bangladesh has presented his credentials to Hon’ble Foreign Minister H. E. Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 19 August 2018.

19 August 2018

Mr. Dr. Bardan Jung RANA, Representative of World Health Organization (WHO) in Bangladesh has presented his credentials to Hon’ble Foreign Minister H. E. Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 19 August 2018. In accepting the credentials of the Representative of World Health Organization (WHO) Hon’ble Minister welcomed him to Bangladesh and wished him success in his responsibilities. The Minister assured him of all out support from the government.

During the meeting with the WHO Representative, Hon’ble Foreign Minister conveyed his appreciation of WHO for developing the Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) for Bangladesh with a view to strengthening the health system and improving health services for the people in Bangladesh. He also appreciated the WHO for providing support in rendering life-saving health services and capacity building of existing health care structure in Cox’s Bazar for the Rohingyas and expressed firm belief that WHO will continue to play a pro-active role in promoting the health and welfare of Rohingyas as well as substantive role in their safe, voluntary, dignified and sustainable repatriation to Myanmar. Dr. RANA highly appreciated the exemplary progress made by Bangladesh in the health sector in the recent years.

The new WHO Representative is a Nepalese national, had a long distinguished career of over a decade with WHO and previously served in the India, Indonesia and Pakistan in various capacities. He also served in UNDP and UNICEF in different capacities in Sudan, Fiji and DPRK Korea. He is a Medical graduate from Calcutta University, also hold an MSc in Public Health from the National University of Singapore.
