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Last updated: 10th March 2024
Press Release

HFM handed over prizes to the players of 1st Independence Diplomatic Cup Tennis Tournament - 2024


Dhaka, 10 March 2024 – In the month of the 54th Independence Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh proudly announces the conclusion of a successful event - 1st Independence Diplomatic Cup” Tennis Tournament-2024 with the final match between Team Sweden (Embassy of Sweden) and Team Denmark (Embassy of Denmark) followed by a prize giving ceremony.


The befitting final match ended with an excellent win by Team Sweden and the Ambassador of Denmark, Christian Brix Møller, won the best player medal in the tournament. Hon’ble Foreign Minister, Dr. Hasan Mahmud, MP, was the Chief Guest of the prize-giving ceremony and Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Masud Bin Momen was present as the Special Guest. The Ambassador of Sweden, Alexandra Berg von Linde, the British High Commissioner, Sarah Cook and the High Commissioner of Australia Nardia Simpson were present during the prize-giving ceremony. Diplomats from thirteen different embassies and international organizations: Australia, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, ADB, UN and Padma, Meghna, Jamuna – namely three teams from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in the tournament symbolizing goodwill and unity.


The participation of diplomats from several countries made the event a successful one, who aptly demonstrated athletic abilities, sportsmanship, and great acumen throughout the tournament. The players and audience also enjoyed delectable Bangladeshi cuisines and engaged in discussions ranging from sports to statecraft. The celebration of amity and sportsmanship has been perfectly observed at the court in the State Guest House – Meghna.
