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Last updated: 3rd May 2018
Press Release

Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali MP during a meeting with the visiting Thai Minister for Economic Reforms and Investment Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool sought more investment from Thailand.

Dhaka, 3 May 2018


Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali MP during a meeting with the visiting Thai Minister for Economic Reforms and Investment Dr. Kobsak Pootrakoolsought more investment from Thailand. He also requested for greater duty free quota free access to Bangladeshi products in Thai market. Dr. Pootrakool is on a visit to Bangladesh from 02-04 May 2018 with a high powered Thai trade and investment delegation to explore business and investment opportunities in Bangladesh. The two Ministers discussed direct coastal shipping connectivity between Ranong Port of Thailand and Chittagong Port of Bangladesh and road connectivity between Bangladesh and Thailand via Myanmar to meet the bilateral trade volume worth USD 1.8 billion by 2021. They further discussed on the possibility of FTA between Bangladesh and Thailand.


Highlighting the huge growing market in Bangladesh, Foreign Minister pointed out that there are huge opportunities to increase trade and investment between the two countries, particularly in the textiles, ship building, tourism, energy sector and development of privately owned special economic zone in Bangladesh. Foreign Minister also explained the congenial investment atmosphere prevailing in Bangladesh.


 Bangladesh’s Ambassador to Thailand was also present during the meeting. 


Md. Tohidul Islam

Senior Information Officer

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mob: 01718543625
