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Last updated: 8th February 2024
Press Release

Lions Pakistan have witnessed Impressive Socio-Economic Developments in Bangladesh: Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi


Karachi, 06 February 2024:


Lions Pakistan delegation called on the Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, S. M. Mahbubul Alam on 06 February 2024 at the Chancery. During the meeting, the Deputy High Commissioner S. M. Mahbubul Alam welcomed the distinguished Lions Pakistan.


The Lions Pakistan briefed that Lion’s Charitable Organizations make a difference in their communities and beyond across the globe. They mentioned that the Lions carry out large-scale humanitarian services for their communities. The Lion Clubs worldwide including Bangladesh and Pakistan works hard for mostly three major humanitarian objectives: Vocational Training, Major Disaster Relief and International Services Program Grants. Their contribution make lives of millions better. The Lions Pakistan work in a very close collaboration and coordination with the Lions Bangladesh.    


During the Meeting the Deputy High Commissioner deeply appreciated the humanitarian services of the Lions worldwide. He also took the opportunity to highlight various development initiatives and sectorial achievements in Bangladesh. He mentioned that Bangladesh has become a ‘Role Model’ of socio-economic development in the world. Bangladesh has been striving hard for the better lives of millions of people in the low-income group. The social safety nets in Bangladesh has been widened remarkably. The living standard of the people of Bangladesh have impressively improved. Deputy High Commissioner also appraised the Lions Pakistan that Bangladesh is now among the five fastest growing economies in the world, ranking 35th in terms of GDP. He added that Bangladesh has made impressive progress in poverty alleviation, ensuring better heath care facilities, girls’ education and women empowerment. He cited that according to WEF, Bangladesh is ranked seventh in the world in terms of political empowerment of women.


Lions Pakistan also shared their wonderful experience during their recent visits to Bangladesh to take part in programs on global Lions’ including Bangladesh and Pakistan. They expressed their gratitude for the hospitality they received during their visit in Bangladesh and the services the Mission in Karachi extended towards them. The also shared their first-hand and encouraging experience to witness the impressive socio-economic development of Bangladesh. They expressed their impression deeply appreciating that Bangladesh has become truly a ‘Role Model’ of socio-economic development for the developing countries in the world.
