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Last updated: 19th September 2018
Press Release

Press Release on Foreign Minister receives the new Oman Envoy

Dhaka, 18.08.18:

The newly appointed Charge D Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman Ta'eeb Salim 'Abdullah Al 'Alawi presented his letter of introduction to the Foreign Minister at latter’s office this morning. The Foreign Minister welcomed Mr. Alawi to Bangladesh as the Head of the Oman Embassy in Dhaka and assured him of full support from the Foreign Ministry in performing his responsibility. Mr. Alawi conveyed greetings and best wishes of the Foreign Minister of Oman to the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh.

During the meeting, they discussed various issues of bilateral relations and engagements particularly in the area of human resources, agriculture, fisheries, blue economy, defence, culture education etc. They also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual interest as well as on cooperation in different multilateral platforms like UN, OIC, IORA etc. They stressed on concluding different bilateral cooperation instruments between the two countries on a priority basis. The meeting ended with the aspiration that the relations between the two brotherly countries will be further expanded in the coming days and both sides will work to this direction.
