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Last updated: 25th February 2024
Press Release

Colourful Celebration of International Mother Language Day in Myanmar: 12 Different Languages Represented


21 February 2024:


The Embassy of Bangladesh in Yangon observed the Language Martyrs’ Day and international Mother language Day with great enthusiasm and fervor. The day long programme included hoisting of the national flag at half-mast, laying of floral wreath at the newly built Shaheed Minar at the Chancery, reading out of the messages of the President, Prime Minister & Foreign Minister, screening of documentary, discussion meeting and arranging seminar at a reputed university. Second part of the program included a colourful multi-cultural program with the participation of more than 16 languages of 12 countries representing their diverse cultures through different performances.


Ambassador Dr. Md. Monwar Hossain at the outset of his remarks in the discussion meeting at the Embassy paid deep respect to the greatest Bangali of thousand years the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his reverence to the martyrs of the language movement. He mentioned that the foundation of a secular, democratic and language-based state system was laid down through the language movement. Ambassador Hossain vividly portrayed the valiant role played by a the then young leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during 1948 to 1952 in establishing the rights of mother tongue, Bangla. He mentioned the historical background and significance of International Mother Language Day in protecting linguistic & cultural diversity & promoting multilingualism. While highlighting this year’s theme of the Day which is “Multilingual education is a pillar of intergenerational learning”, Ambassador said that this day not only serves as a momentous occasion to honor our native languages but also recognize the pivotal role they play in our cultural identities, communication, and heritage.


The Embassy, on 21 February, in collaboration with the Yangon University of Foreign Languages organized a seminar on “Importance of Mother Language” with H.E. the Ambassador as the guest of Honor. Professor Daw Wai Hnin, Professor Dr. Yin Myo Tint, Dr. Win Ming Aung of the University and Mr. Shihab Uddin Ahamed, Country Director, Action Aid, Myanmar participated in the seminar as the panelists. The discussants highlighted the importance of mother languages and strategies for their preservation and promotion in contemporary society.    


The highlight of the day was a colorful multi-cultural programme, where performers from India, China, Nepal, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Sweden, New Zealand and Bangladesh Community in Myanmar performed their indigenous cultural performances. More than 200 people including Ambassadors, other diplomats from 30 missions, members of Bangladesh community in Myanmar, officers and officials of the Embassy with family members attended at the programme. Earlier on 20th February, in collaboration with the Yangon American International School, the Embassy organized a school program to increase awareness on mother languages.  
