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Last updated: 19th March 2024
Press Release

“Diplomatic Gathering” - Bangladesh Participated to a gathering of Consuls General in in Karachi


Karachi: 16 March 2024


Bangladesh has participated recently at a “Diplomatic Gathering” arranged by the Foreign Affairs Liaison Office of the Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Karachi.  Bangladesh’s participation was to represent Bangladesh, to promote her culture and development journey amongst the diplomatic community in Karachi.  


Consuls General of different countries such as Bangladesh, Bahrain, Saud Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Oman, Iran, UAE, Pakistan, China, Russian Federation, France, Germany, Japan, USA, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand and heads and representatives of six international organizations based in Karachi including the UN, UNDP and the OIC had participated at the program. It was an opportunity to interact and to share amongst the diplomats the important developments of respective countries.   
