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Last updated: 6th March 2024
Press Release

Economic Diplomacy: Promotion of Trade and Commerce as Sukkur Small Traders and Small Industry of Sindh Province and Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi discuss


Karachi, 24 February 2024:


Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, S. M. Mahbubul Alam addressed at the Sukkur Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry at its Headquarters in Sukkur on 24 February 2024. President, General Secretary, Executive Committee Members & other Office bearers and other distinguished businesspersons in Sukkur in Sindh Province were present at the briefing and the interactions.


A significant number of journalists from print and electronic media were also present at the program for the media coverage. The Media and the business community were very vibrant and enthusiastic about their interactions with the Deputy High Commissioner.


Deputy High Commissioner took the opportunity highlighted in details the potential of trade and commerce and investment in Bangladesh. He elaborated on the exclusive facilities and incentives Bangladesh offers for foreign trade and investment. He further mentioned that Bangladesh has been working hard to establish 100 Specialized Economic Zones (SEZs) across the country with foreign investment-friendly policies. Foreign investors are being attracted to invest in Bangladesh and few countries have already established their industries SEZs in Bangladesh. He added that Bangladesh has already achieved 100% electricity coverage across the country. He further mentioned that the ‘Digital Bangladesh’ initiative has stimulated transformative impacts on industrialization, and on all other socio-economic developments including education, ICT, disaster risk reduction, communication, social safety nets, and women’s education & empowerment, reduction of poverty, and so forth in Bangladesh.


Deputy High Commissioner also highlighted on different mega projects in Bangladesh such as Padma Bridge (opened on 25 June 2023), Metro Rail (opened on 28 December 2022), Bangabandhu Tunnel under Karnaphuli River, Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Deep-Sea Port, Bangabandhu Satellite-1, and other vital projects which are already completed and are being completed soon. He also detailed on the smooth communication networks across Bangladesh because of constructions and widening and modernizing of hundreds of bridges and thousands of kilometers of road and railways across the country and cited that only on 11 November 2022, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina inaugurated 100 bridges across the country. 


Deputy High Commissioner apprised the prominent entrepreneurs and businesspersons of in Interior Sindh that Bangladesh is now among the five fastest growing economies in the world, ranking 35th in terms of GDP. He added that the per capita income of Bangladesh is USD2824 and the income and purchasing power of the people of Bangladesh including those living the rural areas have increased. Bangladesh has been working to make all the civic amenities available in the villages. He added that Bangladesh is a huge pool of relatively cheaper and competent manpower and Bangladesh herself is a big market. Bangladesh is therefore, a very potential destination of trade, commerce and investment.


Deputy High Commissioner invited the businessmen from Sukkur Small Traders Associations to explore the potential of trade and commerce and investment in Bangladesh. He invited them to invest in Bangladesh and to import products from Bangladesh.


The President of the Sukkur Small Traders and Small Industry and other senior office bearers during their remarks and Question to the Deputy High Commissioner expressed their deep appreciation to know the impressive success stories of Bangladesh. They were impressed to the recent socio-economic development in Bangladesh. Detailing their products and prospect for mutual cooperation, they also expressed their willingness to invest in Bangladesh and do more bilateral business with Bangladesh.


Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi S. M. Mahbubul Alam expressing his sincere thanks and gratitude for very warm hospitality extended to him assured the eminent businesspersons from Sukkur Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry to extend all possible cooperation for greater trade and commerce and economic relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan.
