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Last updated: 28th May 2020

Probash-Bondhu Call Center | Corona Help Lines

enlightenedCall Centre for Bangladeshi Expatriates in Saudi Arabia for Health Advices
Hunting Number: +88 09611 999 111
IMO Numbers (FREE): 01400611995, 01400611996, 01400611997, 01400611998, 01958105020
Service available from 12 pm to 12 am (Bangladesh Time)
enlightenedCall Centre for Bangladeshi Expatriates in Bahrain for Health Advices
Hunting Number: +88 09611 999 111
WhatsApp Number: +8801400611997 and +8801400611998;
IMO Numbers (FREE): 01400611995, 01400611996, 01400611997, 01400611998, 01958105020
Service available from 9 am to 9 pm (Bahrain Time)