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Last updated: 24th February 2021
Press Release

WHO praises Bangladesh for combating Corona Pandemic successfully


Geneva, Switzerland, 23 February 2021:


Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus once again praised the Government of Bangladesh for its success in handling the COVID 19 pandemic. He hailed Bangladesh as a unique example in the world in containing the COVID virus. He said these during the courtesy call on him by the Permanent Representative of Bangladesh Ambassador Md. Mustafizur Rahman in the Headquarters of WHO in Geneva.

Ambassador Rahman apprised the Director General of the initiatives taken by Bangladesh to fight the COVID 19 pandemic. He explained in detail the coordinated efforts based on the “Whole-of-the-Government” approach under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to combat the pandemic. Ambassador Rahman also briefed Director General of the other achievements of the Government in the health sector and reiterated its commitment to implement universal health coverage for all its citizens. Referring to Bangladesh’s flagship initiative of setting up the community clinics, he mentioned that these clinics had brought the community-based primary health care services closer to the people, particularly in the rural, remote, and hard-to-reach areas. Ambassador Rahman also shared with Director General the Government’s plan to mainstream mental health, autism, and neuro-developmental disorders in Bangladesh’s health policy.

The Ambassador thanked Director General for the proactive role of WHO particularly for its different initiatives in the developing countries in containing the COVID 19. He also requested Director General to make more visible and bold efforts to ensure the supply of the Corona vaccines particularly to the low and middle-income countriesin the framework of the COVAX Facility.

Director General Tedros expressed satisfaction over the development of health infrastructure and services in Bangladesh. He also assured Ambassador Rahman of WHO’s continued support to, and cooperation with, Bangladesh.
